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Contatto ARISS

Nuovo contatto ARISS in programma per martedì 17 Ottobre!

IK1SLD Telebridge Ground Station

La Telebridge Ground Station LK1SLD di Casale Monferrato si connetterà in diretta radio con la Stazione Spaziale Internazionale (ISS) per permettere all'astronauta incaricato Andreas Mogensen dell'ESA di rispondere alle domande che effettueranno i ragazzi della Valley Stream South High School di Valley Stream, a New York.

Il collegamento avrà luogo il 17 ottobre 2023 dalle ore 14:25 (ora italiana) e potrà essere seguito in live streaming sul canale YouTube o sul sito

Di seguito riportiamo la lista delle domande preparate dagli studenti:

1. What influenced you to become an astronaut?

2. I understand that to become an astronaut, one of the requirements is to get a degree in the STEM field. Can you further explain other requirements that you need to become an astronaut for students that would like to become one?

3. What training was required to become an astronaut?

4. What characteristics do you think NASA is looking for in future astronauts now and in the future?

5. Can you further explain the space community that you live in on the ISS?

6. Can you further explain how you prepared for microgravity in space in your training?

7. How does microgravity affect you?

8. What is the duration of time that you are permitted to be in space on the ISS?

9. What do you enjoy the most about being on the ISS?

10. Can you describe your daily activities?

11. How are you able to maintain homeostasis of your body systems while in space?

12. How are you able to maintain a productive, positive daily outlook being 400km away from Earth?

13. What strengths do you have that are important to the functioning of the crew on the ISS?

14. What are the challenges do you experience working on ISS that are different than working on Earth?

15. What was your most exciting mission in space?

16. Are there any upcoming missions that you are excited about?

17. What potential do you think agriculture has aboard the ISS as a source of long-term food supply?

18. There is exciting research on the ISS, what research are you involved in, and can you explain how the researchers on Earth coordinate with those in space?

Durante il contatto, la ISS sfreccerà sopra i cieli dell'Italia e dell'Europa alla velocità di circa 28.000 km/h completando il passaggio in appena una decina di minuti. Quanto basta per permettere al Team di Casale, uno degli unici due operanti in Europa, di completare il collegamento.

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